Memorable Podcasts

Posted on Apr 26, 2024

Tim Ferriss Show

  • 223: Krista Tippett
  • Tim Ferriss at 40 (I remember this, but can’t find it; perhaps the 2016 Year in Review episode?)
  • 692: Arthur Brooks
  • 724: Claire Hughes Johnson
  • 732: Martha Beck

Conversations With Tyler

  • 44: Juan Pablo Villarino
  • 71: Neal Stephenson
  • 106: Audrey Tang
  • 127: Alexander the Grate
  • 168: Katherine Rundell
  • 170: Paul Salopek
  • 186: Paul Graham

Other Shows

  • Evolution of Horror
  • Saturday Mourning Cartoons
  • Hardcore History
  • China History Podcast
  • Radiolab (middle years)
  • On Point (shortly before twilight)
  • Vox’s The Weeds (first cast)
  • Ezra Klein Show (Vox & NYT)
  • Lenny’s Podcast
  • In Our Time
  • Revisionist History
  • 99% Invisible
  • Fran Spielman Show