What I'm Reading

Posted on Apr 21, 2024
  • “Piranesi”, by Susanna Clarke. This is my new bedtime reading. Clarke’s “Jonathan Strange” wouldn’t have been finishable this way, but I suspect this one is.
  • “Tomorrow Through the Past: Neal Stephenson and the Project of Global Modernisation”, edited by Jon Lewis. A Christmas 2022 gift from my parents. Can’t remember how I found this; might have been after reading essays on WKW and thinking that I should find similar treatments of Stephenson.
  • “Five Dialogues: Euthyphro, Apology, Crito, Meno, Phaedo”, collected from Plato’s works. High, high per-word ROI here. I wish I’d read it much sooner, but I suspect the predicaments explored will be more and more legible and meaningful the older I become.
  • “In the House in the Dark of the Woods”, by Laird Hunt. This was a couple months’ bedtime reading. I’m more expansive in my review on Goodreads but definitely recommend this one.